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My fourth music video for Mindie Lind is out now.  Check out the article!

"One More Song, While We’re Awake" is a 40 minute documentary about the the demise of Underwood Stables -- a social and cultural landmark in Seattle -- and it's subsequent revival.  It's an unusual look at a space, its people, and its happenings.  It feels familiar and inviting, but nothing is laid out in black and white — which is the experience I had.  You’re introduced to a lot of fine folks, you get to see some amazing music performances, but never are you given the full background of anyone or anything.  You have to listen to them and see them, and make your own deductions with what little information you’re given.  And that’s as much of a chance as anyone deserves.  The door opens and closes, and what you take away from the time you spend there in the middle is yours.  It’s all we ever have, that time between the beginning and the end.

Currntly in the works, is the 15 minute promotional documentary for the third-annual Macefield Music Festival.

Recently, I've been getting back in to live projections -- specifically for MASZER, one of my favorite music acts in Seattle.  As soon as it's available, I will put up some video from the latest show.

© 2014 Ryan Jorgensen

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